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MPi32 Standard

What is MPi32?

Meter Pulse Inserter 32 Bit is a dynamic call costing engine that comes with a stand alone report generation package called Call Reporter. However, we currently handle the phone interfacing for a number of Front Office Systems (HIRUM, EZYREZ, RMS etc). By utilising our services, we free up Front Office System suppliers from the task of keeping a call accounting package current and we handle all the different formats of PABX data that can be optained (every PABX is different).

How does it work?

Basically, MPi32 collects data from your phone system, massages that data if needed, then costs the call based on predetermined rates. This costed data is then passed over to either Call Reporter or to a Front Office System for posting to the guest folio, where it is marked up by the applicable rates you have chosen on a per extention basis. Full archival data is available for your convenience and is easily accessible with the report generator Call Reporter. Alternativley, if you are familiar with popular software packages such as Excel or Access you can create a report that suits your requirements by importing the archived data from MPi32.

Minimum System Requirements:

Pentium II
10Gb Hard Drive Space
Spare RS232 Com Port
Windows 98 Second Edition

*Please Note: MPi32 is not supported on Windows 95a or Millenium

1 to 10,000 Extensions
Stand Alone or Interfaced
Supports HIRUM,RMS...
Plus 12 Months Support
Includes PMS Features
Check in/out,Name Display
Interfaces with FOS
Plus 12 Months Support
Interface to Maginet
Interface to MovieLink
Interface RMS Point of Sale
CISA Access Control
Copyright © MPi Products, 2005.